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Double Chin

Submental fullness, or “double chin”, is an aesthetic condition that weighs heavily on many. This stubborn area is often resistant to diet and exercise, but we’re pleased to offer a number of treatment options for submental fullness that will redefine your jawline – and have you taking more selfies – before you know it.

Treatment Options

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CoolSculpting® is a non-invasive fat reduction treatment that eliminates unwanted fat cells without surgery or downtime. It utilizes an innovative cooling process to gently and effectively target and freeze fat cells on your tummy, love handles, back, inner and outer thighs, buttocks, arms, chin and knees. CoolSculpting® will comfortably freeze away worrisome fat cells, ensuring your wardrobe fits better, feels better and looks better.

To learn more about other treatments for double chin, contact us now or book your consultation today.

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To learn more about our Belkyra™ injections, contact us now or book your consultation today.

Product Recommendations

SkinCeuticals Tripeptide-R Neck Repair

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A daily retinol cream specifically formulated for the neck, Tripeptide-R Neck Repair is designed to target early to advanced signs of neck aging, including lines and wrinkles due to repetitive movements from looking down at mobile devices.

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