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Injections for Male Enhancement

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    What are Injections for Male Enhancement?

    Erectile Enhancement treatments offer a non-surgical treatment alternative aimed at reducing the  hyperactive penile retraction reflex, which can cause discomfort or self-consciousness for  some men. Occasionally referred to as “Growtox”, this treatment helps to minimize  retraction, allowing the penis to hang more comfortably in its flaccid state, thereby  increasing flaccid penile length. However, it is important to note that the erect length  remains unchanged. 

    Some studies also suggest that injections can improve erectile dysfunction (ED) by  enhancing blood flow through muscle relaxation in the area, potentially offering an  additional benefit for men with ED symptoms.

    Project Skin MD

    Treatment & Technology

    The procedure is performed under local anesthesia to ensure comfort, and results typically  become noticeable within 7 to 14 days. The effects generally last for 3 to 4 months, with  repeat treatments recommended to maintain the results. 

    Scrotox offers a non-surgical option designed to relax the muscles of the scrotum,  providing a smoother appearance, lower-hanging testicles, and reduced sweating. Many  men choose this treatment for cosmetic reasons, as it offers a more relaxed, fuller  appearance. Additionally, some patients report enhanced sexual pleasure due to the  increased prominence of the testicles during intimate activities. 

    The procedure is performed with minimal discomfort, and results typically become  noticeable within a 7 to 14 days. The effects generally last for 3 to 4 months, with repeat  treatments recommended to maintain the desired outcome. However, this treatment may affect fertility by reducing the scrotum’s ability to regulate temperature, making it  unsuitable for individuals planning to conceive in the near future. 

    For treatment results, please contact your clinic.

    It all starts with a simple consultation.

    What to Expect

    Injections for ED® AT PROJECT SKIN MD®
    Call us

    A Personalized Assessment

    During your personalized assessment, our medical experts will determine if you are a  suitable candidate for botulinum toxin injections for erectile dysfunction.

    Baseline Photography

    We’ll take baseline photographs for your patient file. These images are important for  documenting your results and monitoring progress over time.

    Review & Consent

    Before proceeding, we’ll go over the consent forms together, ensuring all your questions  are addressed.


    To ensure your comfort during the procedure, anesthesia (topical and injectable) will be  administered.

    Proceed with Injections

    Once preparations are complete, we will proceed with the botulinum toxin injections.

    Get started with a consultation.


    Injections for Male Enhancement are available starting from $1300 per treatment. 

    Injections for ED is offered in

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