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COVID-19 Clinic Re-Opening

May 12, 2020

Doctor's Orders 

Things you should know about our new safety protocols. 

It’s #SAFEglow time!

Following governmental guidelines, we are now ready to start seeing patients again. Both our clinics will re-open on May 19, 2020. We have worked around the clock behind the scenes to develop new safety protocols to ensure you and our team are protected to the best of our abilities. 

While we are thrilled to be able to see you soon, it is our utmost priority to do it in the safest way possible to ensure the sustainability of our re-opening. We would like to inform you of the safety protocols we have put in place to ensure everyone’s safety.

You can watch our video on what your visit will look like now here. 

Note that at this time, our clinics are open by appointment only. Our retail outlets will remain closed to outside traffic. Not all treatments will be offered at first, but this will evolve rapidly so we invite you to contact us to verify if your desired procedure is currently being offered. Our team members will be wearing gloves, masks and visors (or protective glasses), depending on the treatment. Their dedicated work clothes will be washed daily.

Project Skin MD Richmond Gloved Masked Treatment

In preparation for your appointment: 

Telephone Pre-Screening

When you make an appointment, we will ask you some questions regarding COVID-19. We will also call you 48 hours prior to your appointment to confirm your health condition. The questions will be as follows: 

Are you currently experiencing symptoms such as:  

  • Coughing? 
  • Nasal congestion or runny nose?
  • Fever > 38 Degrees C?
  • Headache? 
  • Muscle pain? 
  • Shortness of breath? 
  • Loss or reduced sense of taste or smell?

In the last two weeks

  • Have you been in contact with someone experiencing symptoms?        
  • Have you been in contact with someone who appears to have COVID-19?
  • Have you been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
  • Have you travelled outside of the country?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, we will ask you to postpone your appointment for 4 weeks.

At the Clinic

1. We ask that you arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment and wait in your vehicle or outside the clinic. Our Vancouver parkade will remain open, however the elevator won’t be operating from that floor so you will be asked to take the stairs to the main floor (street level). We will call you as soon as your doctor or technician is ready to see you, at which point you can make your way up. We encourage you to keep all your belongings in your car. 

LATE ARRIVALS: If you are late, please contact us from your vehicle and we will assign you a new arrival time. We reserve the rights to cancel and reschedule your appointment if it compromises the following appointment.

2. At the entrance, you will be asked to disinfect your hands and put on a small blue surgical mask in order to move through the common areas.  

Project Skin MD Richmond Front Desk Hand Sanitizer

3. You will be asked to complete the COVID-19 questionnaire at that time so that we can officially confirm that you are in good health. 

4. We will then take your temperature.

Project Skin MD Vancouver Safety Patient Temperature

5. All waiting areas will be closed and bathrooms will be restricted to exceptions only in order to minimize any risk of potential contamination. In Vancouver, you will then take the elevator to the second floor. Given its size, you will be taking the elevator by yourself and your technician will wait for you on the second floor.

6. Product testers will not be available, we encourage you to discuss your skincare needs during your treatment and your technician will prepare your purchases prior to your departure. 

7. At the payment counter we have installed plexiglass and 2 to 3 waiting spaces are marked on the floor in order to respect the distance between others. Payment will be by card only. No CASH payment will be accepted.

Project Skin MD Vancouver Safety Payment Terminal

8. Please come alone to your appointment

9. Appointments will be spaced 15 minutes apart in order to carefully disinfect each room between each patient. Common areas and surfaces will also be cleaned several times during the day. 

10. If possible, we ask you to come to the clinic without make-up, with as little jewellery as possible. 

11. Your receipt will be sent by email.

12. If you were to receive a diagnosis of COVID-19 within a week following your appointment, we would be grateful if you would let us know.

We are committed, as always, to offering you the best service in all circumstances.

Thank you for your trust in Project Skin MD, we’re excited to be seeing you soon!

—Dr. McGillivray and the entire #PSFamily

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