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Facial Shaping Trends and Techniques with Dr. Jacky Lo

August 6, 2020

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A recent addition to the #PSFamily, Dr. Jacky Lo is a Cosmetic Physician with a passion for providing tailored treatments and natural results. He is thrilled to offer non-surgical alternatives to build confidence and give his patients a look they love.

On our latest episode of IGTV, Business Director Vanessa Grutman connected with Dr. Lo to discuss facial shaping trends using neuromodulators (like BOTOX® Cosmetic) and dermal fillers, treatment results from his patients, and the techniques used to achieve them.

Project Skin MD IGTV Dr. Jacky Lo

Dr. Lo offers a consultation-based, step-wise approach to his treatments to ensure his patients leave looking and feeling like the best version of themselves. To book your consultation, you can contact us here or send us an e-mail.

Lower Face Contouring

Lower face contouring is a popular treatment for both men and women alike. Defining the jawline and/or augmenting the chin with dermal filler treatments can create a flattering V-Shape to the face and a slimming effect. Dermal fillers can also be used to create a broad, structured look (think Brad Pitt) which our male patients love.


Project Skin MD Dr Jacky-Lo Lower Face Contouring

Project Skin MD Dr Jacky Lo Lower Face Contouring 2

#PSTip: For those of you who struggle with jaw clenching or teeth grinding, neuromodulators like BOTOX® can be used to relax the muscles in the area. Since muscles shrink in size with less use, this can also create a slimming effect to the face.

Non-Surgical Nose Job

Another trend in facial treatments with dermal fillers is the non-surgical nose job. This treatment offers an alternative for patients that are not ready to commit to the permanence and downtime associated with surgery. Injecting the nose area is very technical, and as such it is important to ensure your injector is experienced in this type of treatment. That being said, with the right treatment provider you can achieve amazing results (as pictured in Dr. Lo’s patients below)!

Project Skin MD Dr Jacky Lo Non Surgical Nose Job

Project Skin MD Dr Jacky Lo Non Surgical Nose Job 2

Tear Trough Treatment

Dark under-eye circles are a common concern can be challenging to treat. Factors including genetics, lifestyle and diet can all play a role, and as such the consultation process is very important to determine the best treatment plan. For the right candidate, injection into this area with dermal fillers can result in dramatic improvement. Dr. Lo emphasizes a comprehensive treatment plan, noting that sometimes cheek augmentation can actually result in the desired improvement by restoring mid-face volume.

Project Skin MD Dr Jacky Lo Tear Trough

Project Skin MD Dr Jacky Lo Cheek Augmentation

Techniques and Tips

As explained by Dr. Lo, many dermal fillers are made of hyaluronic acid, which is a gel-like substance of sugar molecules that occurs naturally in the skin. Like collagen, natural hyaluronic acid decreases as we age, and as such injection with dermal fillers can restore volume, contour, shape and fill lines and wrinkles.

As with any treatment that penetrates the skin with a needle, bleeding, bruising or swelling can occur. Dr. Lo uses techniques to minimize these effects, which typically only last 24-48 hours, and rarely would persist longer than a week.

While Dr. Lo uses a typical needle for treatments that require precision, he is our #PSChampion of canula injection treatments (which use a blunt tip needle with a wider entry point) for a more even, subtle result. This technique typically results in less bleeding and bruising, as you can see in many of the before & after photos above which were taken immediately after the treatment was performed. Dr. Lo typically numbs the treatment area when using this technique, to minimize discomfort.

When booking a treatment with Dr. Lo, you can expect a thoughtful, tailored treatment plan designed to meet the desired outcomes determined in your comprehensive consultation. We are lucky to have such a skilled, artistic injector as apart of our #PSFamily.

Dr. Lo is based primarily at our Project Skin MD Richmond location. For the full interview with Dr. Lo, you visit our IGTV channel here. You can also check out Dr. Lo’s page: @dr.j.lo.

Contact us to book your appointment with Dr. Lo today!

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