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Why Dr. McGillivray loves EMSculpt®

December 11, 2020

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EMSculpt® body contouring is a favourite treatment amongst the Project Skin MD team and patients alike. This treatment, which simultaneously builds muscle and burns fat, is unique both in how it works and what it can help you achieve.

In our latest episode of IGTV, Business Director, Vanessa Grutman connected with Clinical Lead, Stephanie Hewitt while she was treating a very special patient – our own Medical Director Dr. McGillivray! Read on for the highlights on what sets this treatment apart:

Project Skin MD Vancouver EMSculpt

*Photo taken before COVID-19 Pandemic; PPE are now required during treatment

EMSculpt® uses High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM®) technology to induce muscle contractions.

Non-invasive HIFEM® technology induces supramaximal muscle contractions not achievable through voluntary contractions. When exposed to supramaximal contractions, the muscle tissue responds with a deep remodelling of it’s inner structure that leads to muscle building and fat burning beyond what could be achieved through exercise alone.

20,000 muscle contractions are achieved in a painless 30-minute treatment.

The focused energy induces 20,000 powerful muscle contractions per session, equivalent to doing 20,000 sit ups, squats or curls! Built into the treatment are cycles of contraction and release, where the lactic acid is broken up to keep muscle soreness to a minimum. Talk about no pain, all gain!

It can be used to tone numerous areas on the body.

With two uniquely designed applicators, EMSculpt® is able to tone and sculpt the stomach, buttocks, biceps, triceps and calves.

Project Skin MD Steph Coolsculpting Before & After EMSCULPT_calves EMSCULPT_Biceps

You can expect immediate results, that improve over time.

Increased strength from muscle development begins immediately after your first EMSculpt® treatment. Fatty acids are released from the muscle tissue over time, which makes the fat cells implode. The full effect of fat burning becomes visible after 12 weeks.

EMSculpt® can support recovery from certain injuries and conditions.

By improving muscle strength, EMSculpt can reduce lower back pain, muscle loss due to injury (just ask Dr. McGillivray!) or post-partum ab separation, i.e. diastasis recti. You can read more about the PS teams’ experience here:

Read about our Cosmetic Sclerotherapy Nurse Roxanne’s relief from back pain

Project Skin Vancouver Roxanne EMSculpt 3

Read about our Business Director Vanessa’s improvement in ab separation



*Business Director Vanessa Grutman’s Before & After Results

Amazing results can be achieved in 4-6 treatments over the course of two weeks.

A 30-minute treatment every 2-3 days is all you need to achieve amazing results. After that, we recommend a series of treatments every 6-12 months to maintain your results.

Contact us to book your FREE consultation, virtually or in-person, to learn more today!

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