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PRP – the anti-aging solution from within!

February 5, 2021

Doctor's Orders Recent Posts Skin 

PRP therapy has been steadily gaining popularity in Aesthetic Medicine, and for good reason! This treatment takes advantage of the nourishment within our own bodies (within our blood, to be precise) to rejuvenate facial skin, tear troughs and stimulate hair growth!

In our latest episode of IGTV, Business Director Vanessa Grutman connected with Project Skin MD’s very own Dr. Janet Ip, to discuss this natural and safe treatment option.

Project Skin MD PRP Treatment Set Up

What are the origins of PRP?

The introduction of PRP therapy, which stands for Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy, dates back to the 1970’s, where this treatment was commonly used to address musculoskeletal injuries, supporting the recovery and regeneration of muscles, tendons and ligaments.

By the early 2000’s, PRP began it’s use in Aesthetic Medicine, to stimulate hair regrowth, rejuvenate facial skin and address dark under eye circles.

How does PRP work?

During a PRP treatment, the patients own blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge to separate out the blood components. The yellow plasma, which is 5x more concentrated in platelets than the whole blood, is what we call like to call the “liquid gold”. This liquid gold is then injected back into the desired treatment area, using a very fine needle for precision, whether it be into the tear troughs, facial skin or the base of the hair follicles on the scalp.

Project Skin MD PRP Centrifuge

Platelets release growth factors that contribute to our bodies innate healing processes. When injected into the skin on the face or scalp, PRP stimulates the formation of collagen, fibroblasts and increases cell regeneration. When PRP is injected into the base of the hair follicles on the scalp, dermal papilla cells are stimulated resulting in hair growth.

Project Skin MD PRP Hair Loss

What are the benefits?

New collagen and fibroblasts formation, and cell regeneration result in the visible reduction of fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation on the face, minimize the appearance of dark under eye hollows and stimulate hair growth.

Who is a good candidate for PRP?

PRP offers a natural option that is very safe, making most patients a good candidate for treatment. At Project Skin MD, we have seen amazing outcomes in patients of all ages to prevent and correct skin aging and hair loss – in men and women alike!

Dr. Ip focuses loves to use PRP Therapy to treat the tear troughs, whether the concern is due to genetic hollowing in her younger patients or volume loss seen with aging. At Project Skin MD, all of our PRP Treatments for the face and tear troughs are performed by Dr. Ip, while our Nurse Technician, Kyle, offers PRP Treatments for hair loss.

Dark undereye circles are a common concern that is particularly difficult to treat. While some patients respond to injection with Dermal Fillers, treatment of veins and vessels with Vascular Laser or topical treatment with antioxidant serums like SkinCeuticals AOX+ Eye Gel, not all patients are good candidates and/or respond to these treatments. PRP Therapy offers an alternative that is safe an effective to improve dark circles and hollowing in the tear troughs, as injecting fluid from your own body eliminates the risk of an allergic or immune response. Additionally, the liquid nature of PRP fluid prevents the risk of occlusion in the highly vascular region on the face.

PRP Tear Trough B&A

With its high safety profile, great outcomes and utilization of the amazing power within our own bodies, it is no wonder more and more patients are drawn to try PRP Therapy.

How many treatments will I need and how much will it cost?

4 treatments, each spaced 1 month apart is a great place to start. Since PRP works through tissue regeneration and stimulation of cellular growth, it can take up to 3-4 months before you start to see the benefits.

You can schedule a single PRP Hair Treatment or PRP Tear Trough Treatment for $750, and a PRP Full-Face Treatment for $950.

#PSTip: Book a series of 4 PRP Treatments and receive a 15% discount!

Contact us to book your PRP Consultation, virtually or in-person, today!

For more of Dr. Ip’s results and patient journeys, visit her on Instagram: @drjanetip.

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